Happy Tuesday! ? Dr. Kelly here. Support for your Pets!!!
I am dedicating this email to my sister Amy’s dog Makanda who recently crossed over the rainbow bridge.
RIP Mak ?
We take supplements and use oils for ourselves but what about your other loved ones – your dogs and cats!! I am not a Veterinarian. Nor do I have any license to advise you about what is best for your pet. Consult with Your Vet before you purchase any veterinarian products for your pet. ⚠⚠⚠ Amazon and Costco may have pet products, but there are many unknowns.
How old is the product? Is it made from a good source, etc. What I want to do is give you a resource for high quality products.
Let’s start with essential oils.
First off – There are SEVERAL oils that are HARMFUL to pets! ?
Double check if a particular oil is safe for your pet.
Here are a few that are safe:
Lavender – helps with odor and relax your pet.
Chamomile – relaxes your pet. ?
Peppermint helps to repel fleas. Cools sore muscles.
Cedarwood. Pest repellent. You can put it on the collar of your pet.
Use the oil in a diffuser. Keep it in a room that has an open door. Pets have keen intuition. They will typically leave a room if they do not like the scent. ?
You can put the oils in a spray bottle and spray the oils on your pets fur.
Homemade sources for your pets:
Have you ever thought about sharing your bone broth with your pet? ?
Bone broth – the one you make for yourself, give it to your pet. They will love it!
My dog Mae & my sister Gayle’s dog Lola has not tried bone broth. I usually drink it all before there is anything left for them!

Pain – just like you, your pets could have arthritis pain. And just like you if turmeric helps you with pain, it can help your pet with pain too. ⚡
Same with glucosamine.
It is a general rule that dogs and cats can take collagen too.
You know one of my favorites is Fish Oil. ?
Nordic Pet Collection has a great Omega 3. Shake the bottle and Mae comes running to get one.

What about a healthy way to help clean your dog or cats teeth:

Log into your FullScript account. Under the catalog, type in the search bar:
Rx Vitamins for Pets
Vetri-Science Laboratories
Nordic Pet Collections
You can view a wide range of different supplements for your pet.
I advise you to speak to your Vet before you use the above options. Know that we are here for you as a resource of a professional quality product. ⚠
You can look at your own FullScript and Doterra account to purchase the products.
Text or respond to this email if you would like more info on FullScripts or Doterra from Tree of Life Wellness Center.
Yours in Healthy Naturally,
Dr. Kelly