How Stress Contributes to Back Pain
Did you know that stress is a leading cause of illness? While stress can cause anxiety, depression and sleep difficulties, it can also trigger physical pain, particularly in the back. How? Certain emotional and psychological factors can contribute to muscle tension, and back pain is often a result of this mind-body connection.
If neglected, back pain can become chronic, limiting your ability to engage in physical and social activities, degenerating bones, muscles and ligaments. Isolation can set in as well as depression and additional stress, becoming a vicious cycle.
What’s the best way to reduce emotional, physical and chemical stress in your body? Break the cycle by reducing stressors in your life. Talking to a trusted friend, taking the time to relax, exercising, deep breathing, eating right and choosing chiropractic care are all positive ways to manage stress while improving nerve disturbances in your body.
5 Ways to Banish Your Inner Slouch Potato
Like brushing your teeth and getting adequate exercise, standing up straight is all but required for a happy and healthy life. But from time to time, we’re all guilty of poor posture here and there. Consider these five tips to help keep your spine straight!
1. Avoid leaning towards your computer, which often results in forward head posture. Instead, increase the font size if you find yourself squinting and make sure the screen is level with your eyes.
2. Stay hydrated. When you have back or leg pain, your posture can be compromised. Hydrated tissue heals faster than dehydrated tissue.
3. Keep moving. Exercise each day and avoid sitting for long periods of time.
4. Build self-confidence. Your posture is the first thing others notice, influencing your confidence and energy level.
5. Can’t figure out why you’re a slouch potato? Determine the underlying cause with chiropractic care.