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It is Flip Flop Season

Happy Tuesday! Dr Kelly here. It is Flip Flop season: I personally love sandals. I have the same Birkenstock in several colors! However, if you are the person who wears slimsy flip flops my body aches for you. Your feet are your foundation. So how you support them makes sense. During the year it may seem simple to wear your orthotics in your gym shoes. Since the weather is actually getting warmer and what is a gal or guy to do about their feet??

Custom Flip Flops are the answer!

The custom sandals are designed to have your orthotic built in. This way all 3 of the arches of your foot are supported. The three arches are: the medial arch (A-C); the lateral longitudinal arch (B-C); and the anterior transverse arch (A-B)


The store-bought flip flops tend to offer little or no support to your feet. They can contribute to pain in your body. It can start in your feet, and affect your knee, hips or back! Some of the styles are more sandal-like and have straps around your ankles. I prefer to walk in gym shoes that have my orthotic in them. But sometimes that is not an option. Custom sandals are made with material that is more shock-absorbing with the gait motion. At heel strike, the weight of your body goes to your feet. Shock absorption cushions that impact. Having that cushion decreases the stress on your body. Having the arch support gives the body the foundation you need to keep the alignment going.

June Promotion: Custom Orthotic Sandals

Foot Levelers Orthotic FootwearIf you are considering a new pair of shoes for the summer, consider a pair of custom orthotic sandals! June promotion $75 off all summer sandals Custom flip flops $250 Custom sandals $273-$423 depending on style. You can reach out by responding to this email, text us or even better, ask me about flip flops at your next visit. We can send you a link to see all the style options! Yours in Healthy Naturally, Dr. Kelly

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